
AEFI Investigation Assistance Module

This module will assist you in your field investigation of AEFI to

  • Generate basic forms and reference materials for field investigation
  • Provide guidance on additional information to collect in certain situations
  • Verify the completion of your investigation using a checklist
  • Provide supporting documents for causality assessment

Step 1:

Select the implicated vaccines and suspected AEFI(s) from the dropdown list below:

Implicated vaccine(s):

Multiple selections permitted

Suspected AEFI(s) to be investigated:

Multiple selections permitted

During your field investigation, please...

  1. Visit the immunization site, vaccine storage points, residence and locality of the patient (if relevant) and the treatment center(s).
  2. Interview the patient, parents or guardian, the treating health staff and the staff who provided immunization and collect relevant information
  3. Investigate and collect documented details about the patient, the event, the suspected vaccine(s) and other relevant people
  4. Assess the immunization service by making inquiries and observing the service in action and documenting the same
  5. Collect specimens from the patient as well as vaccine and logistics (ONLY IF APPLICABLE) and send them to the appropriate lab
  6. Prepare a written report

Step 2: Please download and carry the following documents* for your field investigation.

Please share with relevant members of the field investigation team
WHO vaccine reaction rate information sheet for is not available
WHO vaccine position paper on is not available
AEFI case investigation assistance sheets for is not available
Brighton collaboration case definitions for is not available

* Check the boxes to take a printout and copies of the above

Step 3: After investigation, you can upload your documents to a location of your choice *

*Please scan your investigation documents mentioned below and keep them in a location in your computer for upload
No file has been uploaded

Step 4: Thank you for uploading the following documents

Uploaded documents Files
AEFI case reporting form
1. abc.pdf
2. abc.pdf
Autopsy report
1. abc.pdf
2. abc.pdf
3. abc.pdf
Any other.
1. abc.pdf

The above documents have been uploaded.

You can copy this link and send to an expert assessor and/ or your supervisor(s) to process the investigation documents * copy link

If you have completed the AEFI investigation form online, you can get assistance for causality assessment here

AEFI causality assessment software

If you have NOT completed the AEFI investigation form online, you can do the AEFI causality assessment using the regular electronic method

AEFI causality assessment software

* These documents are available at the wetransfer website (https://wetransfer.com/) until